「醫療財團法人辜公亮基金會和信治癌中心醫院」(以下簡稱「和信治癌中心醫院」) 將依個人資料保護法相關規定來蒐集及處理您於申請本應用程式帳號及使用本應用程式之病人及醫療相關服務時所提供的個人資料,和信治癌中心醫院在此向您說明我們將如何保護及妥善處理您所提供的個人資料,以保護您的個資隱私權。
- 確認本應用程式使用者身分
- 網路掛號
- 病歷個人資料建檔
- 醫療保健衛教資訊
- 醫療服務訊息通知
- 醫療評估問卷的發放與回收
和信治癌中心醫院將在您進行申請啟用本應用程式以及使用本應用程式的服務時,依照服務目的蒐集必要的個人資料項目範圍,這些個人資料包括國民身分證統一編號或護照號碼、姓名、性別、出生地、出生年月日、婚姻、教育、職業、住址,電子郵件、行動電話、血型、醫療病歷。 您所填寫的個人資料僅會用做處理您所需求的個別服務及相關的醫療作業。惟有在下列情形,和信治癌中心醫院會在上述目的範圍以外向第三方提供我們所蒐集的個人資料。
- 經過您的書面同意
- 司法單位或其他主管機關經合法正式的程序要求
如果您的 個人資料有變更,您可自行於 本應用程式中直接更正,或來信給和信治癌中心醫院以修正您的個人資料。您得就保管於 本應用程式上的個人資料以書面或電子文件向和信治癌中心醫院請求行使:查詢或請求閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除等權利。惟上述權 利,若不符合申請程序或法律規定,或和信治癌中心醫院依法負有保存義務,或法律另有規定之情況者,則不在此限;和信治癌中心醫院亦得就您的上述請求權利進行時,收取合理的行政處理費用。
如果您對於這份個人資料保護聲明,或對本應用程式在個人資料蒐集、處理、利用、變更等個人資料保護權益上有任何問題,請來信 patientservice@kfsyscc.org
本個人資料保護聲明從 2017 年 11 月 20 日起開始生效,惟為配合社會環境和法令的變遷,以及科技的日新月異,為達更臻完善的個人資料安全及隱私保護,和信治癌中心醫院將隨時修改這份聲明,並將儘速更新與公告。
Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center provides a website, a mobile-enabled website, and a mobile app:
- www.kfsyscc.org or www.kfsyscc.org and m.kfsyscc.org (the Websites)
- “KFSYSCC Mobile Application” (the App), for both iPhone and Android
The Websites and the App allow our patients to view health-related information, communicate with our practitioners and staff, arrange for clinical appointments and access additional services.
This Privacy Policy applies to the Websites and the App, which are owned and operated by Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center (“KFSYSC”). This Privacy Policy describes how KFSYSCC collects and uses the personal information you provide on, and other information that is collected from your use of the Websites and the App. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal information and how you can access and update this information.
All of your protected health information maintained by KFSYSCC, including information you provide on the Websites and the App, is also subject to Personal Information Protection Ac. The Personal Information Protection Ac may contain additional provisions relating to the use and disclosure of your information that go beyond the terms of this Privacy Statement.
KFSYSCC is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of the Websites and the App. We will use and disclose your personal information as stated in this Privacy Statement.
Information collection, use and disclosure
We collect the following personal information from you:
- contact information such as name, email address, mailing address, and phone number
- age or date of birth
- unique identifiers such as user name, account number, and password
- preferences information such as the types of emails you’d like to receive from us
- health or medical information
- medical record number
We use and disclose this information to:
- communicate your health information to health care providers treating you or the other person
- communicate to you the health information of others you are authorized to act on behalf of on the Websites or the App
- respond to customer service requests
- administer your account
- send you newsletters, text messages or email communications
- respond to your questions and concerns
- improve our website, app, and marketing efforts
Evaluation and quality improvement
We will periodically ask users to complete surveys asking about their experiences with features of the Websites or the App. Our surveys ask for demographic information such as age, gender, and education, but will not request that users provide specific information about any medical condition. We use survey information for evaluation and quality improvement purposes, including helping KFSYSCC to improve information and services offered through the Websites and the App. In addition, users giving feedback may be individually contacted for follow-up due to concerns raised during the course of such evaluation.
Messages and transactions
Comments or questions sent to us using email or secure messaging forms will be shared with KFSYSCC staff and healthcare professionals who are most able to address your concerns.
Some of our services such as our automated appointment selection interact directly with KFSYSCC data systems. Data about your transaction may be stored in these systems.
When you use a service on the secure section of the Websites or the App to interact directly with KFSYSCC health care professionals, some information you provide may be documented in your medical record, and available for use to guide your treatment as a patient.
Data integrity and correction
Requests to view and correct personal information from the Websites or the App may be submitted using the contact information in the "Questions, complaints, and contacts" section below.
If your personal information changes, or to update or request deletion of information collected on our Websites or the App, or if you believe a third party has provided us with your personal information and you would like to request that it be edited or removed from our database, please use the contact information in the “Questions, complaints, and contacts” section below.
We may disclose personal information to any person performing audit, legal, operational, or other services for us. We will use information which does not identify the individual for these activities whenever reasonably possible. We may also disclose your personal information:
- as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process
- to protect the security and reliability of the Websites and the App
Opt out
If you receive information about a KFSYSCC service through email or text message, you may make a request to discontinue receiving similar messages in the future. All such materials sent to you by email or text message will contain information about how to opt out
Questions, complaints, and contacts
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our statements and practices concerning the Websites or the App, your rights under this Policy, and your dealings with the KFSYSCC Websites or the App, you can contact KFSYSCC by sending a message to KFSYSCC via patientservice@kfsyscc.org